北京小学寄宿部教育特点? - 福贝月嫂


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美国西海岸寄宿服务中心(west coast home stay service),简称WCHSS,成立于2009年10月,总部位于美国洛杉矶,是一家专业从事美国未成年留学生寄宿管理和服务的机构。

The west coast of the United States boarding service centre (west group home stay service), hereinafter referred to as WCHSS, was established in October 2009, headquarters is located in the United States Los Angeles, is one specialized is engaged in the United States a minor student management and services.



More and more Chinese students into American host family. Parents were worried about the stand or fall of host families, also worry that live to the security of the host family. Some parents even asked me, if the poor people become a host family? There are parents statement do not host family to the black family.


Current high school students to study abroad is becoming more and more common, many people have trouble problems such as housing, room and board to the United States, most people chose the local agency to find suitable host family, arrange students to check in to the host family. Host families are part-time, however, are only responsible for simple meals and transportation, unable to realize comprehensive service and support for students. At present, there are some irresponsible agents, after they send students to the United States, students have a problem to contact them, almost all can not get very good solve. As the guardian of the us, we will in line with the attitude of responsible for students and parents to do service, comprehensive help students solve the problem of life and study in the United States. We are equipped with a professional personnel, to the students need to be aware of issues and lifestyle, etc., and for the first time to deal with students' problems.


Traditional host family is responsible for the student only simple transport and diet, and the U.S. west coast boarding service center as the only one to take custody of the children boarding management institutions, to take the initiative to assume the responsibility of the student guardian, to take good care of the student's life, study and school life, and provide professional counseling, lectures, consulting, planning the future for the children. As such special boarding services, can provide international students with a comprehensive follow-up management services, comprehensive solution to the parents of young children to study abroad including law, housing, study abroad life, management and other issues, truly guarantee for education, for study abroad course.

我所在的州是宾夕法尼亚州,历史名城费城就在这个州。费城曾经是美国的首都,离纽约大约两个小时的车程。宾州是美国的教育强州。宾州的郊区地带大多数是有中产阶级或富人区。我所在的地区,离新泽西州不远,是以白人为主的中产阶级生活集中地。附近的名大学有常青藤大学宾 州大学和普林斯顿大学,名寄宿高中有佩迪高中,普林斯顿大学的输送机-劳伦斯威尔高中、乔治高中、西城高中、胡恩高中等等。僧多粥少,这些寄宿高中能接收 中国学生的名额是很有限的。美国寄宿家庭,我这里有很多极其优秀的走读高中和初中。读走读学校,意味着你得解决住宿问题。因为国内的留学中介大多数是没办法解决这 些住宿问题,所以,国内学生能进入走读学校的就特别少,也就变成了走读学校的中国学生特别少。

I am in Pennsylvania state, historic city of Philadelphia is in the state. Philadelphia was once the capital of the United States, it's about two hour's drive from New York. Penn state is the education of America strongly states. Pennsylvania's suburbs mostly middle-class or rich people's region. My area, not far from New Jersey, is predominantly white middle-class life. College on the outskirts of the ivy league university, Penn state university and Princeton university, pettigrew name boarding high school has a high school, of Princeton university, conveyor - Lawrence will high school, high school, George city high school, high school, and so on. Openings, the boarding high school can receive the number of Chinese students is very limited. American host family, I have a lot of very good day here, high school and junior high school. Read day school, means you have to solve the problem of accommodation. Because most of domestic agents is unable to solve the accommodation problem, therefore, domestic students can enter the day school is particularly less, also becomes less Chinese students special day school.


The west coast of the United States boarding service center was established in October 2009, headquarters is located in the United States Los Angeles, is one specialized is engaged in the United States a minor student management and services. From the institution since its establishment, we have been dedicated to international students study in high school. At present, the west coast of the United States boarding students service center is the only one to assume custody lodging management institutions.

有些家长认为,她孩子的寄宿家庭不好,是穷人。孩子与寄宿家庭相处不好等等。我不想评价别的机构是怎么选择寄宿家庭的。但我相信不排除有这种情况。我们对寄宿家庭有严格的选择。我们会对寄宿家庭进行背景调查,包括无犯罪行为调查,和无公共性传染性疾病证明 等。收入一定要处于中等水平或以上。对孩子有爱心,对中国和中国人不反感。至于种族,我没有种族歧视,我们不会提出只让白人做寄宿家庭,但由于我这里以白 人为主,所以,想找一个黑人做寄宿家庭反而很难。而且,我们的寄宿家庭一般也有一般大的孩子,所以,学生来到寄宿家庭以后,会有伴。

Some parents believe that her child's host family is bad, is poor. Children don't get along with host family, and so on. I don't want to evaluation of other institutions is how to choose the host family. But I believe that any this kind of situation. We have a strict selection for host families. We will to host family background investigation, including no crime investigation, and proof to the publicity of infectious diseases, etc. Income must be at the secondary level or above. Caring for a child, for China and Chinese people don't. As for race, I have no racial discrimination, we not only make white host family, but because I'm here to give priority to with white people, so, want to find a black instead host families is difficult. And our host families generally have as big child, so, the students arrived in host families, there will be a companion.


Some parents believe that her child's host family is bad, is poor. Children don't get along with host family, and so on. I don't want to evaluation of other institutions is how to choose the host family. But I believe that any this kind of situation. We have a strict selection for host families. We will to host family background investigation, including no crime investigation, and proof to the publicity of infectious diseases, etc. Income must be at the secondary level or above. Caring for a child, for China and Chinese people don't. As for race, I have no racial discrimination, we not only make white host family, but because I'm here to give priority to with white people, so, want to find a black instead host families is difficult. And our host families generally have as big child, so, the students arrived in host families, there will be a companion.


There is a Chinese girl, she lives in a open have a family at the animal hospital. Host family father is ivy league university graduated from the university of Pennsylvania, has the animal hospital for more than twenty years, house price is more than $1 million. With her host family daughter read a grade. Where she spent a wonderful semester. Students' parents very pleased with host family.

另外一位寄宿家庭,我还没有送学生进去她家,她总是问我,什么时候可以让学生到她家?她的女儿心急得很,很想有一个 学生跟她在一起呢。这个寄宿家庭的妈妈是一个成功的事业女性,她家请有一个保姆。在美国,能请上保姆的人是少之又少的,而且,她的女儿已经读书了。她的家占地三英亩。有一个很大的花园和活动场所,有一个很大的游泳池。最令人感动的就是,她的宝贝女儿,主动愿意腾出她自己的公主房 给学生住,她叫妈妈收拾好杂物房,等学生来了以后,她自己会住进杂物房呢。

Another host family, I don't have to send the students in her home, she always ask me, what time can make students to her house? Her daughter very worried, very want to have a student with her? The host family's mother is a successful business women, she please a nanny. In the United States, can please nanny is few and far between, and her daughter has been read. Her house covers an area of 3 acres. There is a big garden and activity places, there is a big swimming pool. The most moving is that her baby daughter, princess initiative is willing to make her own room to students, her name is mother packed sundry room, such as student came later, she will live in sundry room.

坑特 妈一爹 我喝了半个月不能喝的牛奶 你来就知道 有一种2块一桶的 不能喝的

